Did Facebook Disable Your Page Again?

LEAKED!!! How to Effectively Avoid Facebook Page Restrictions and Recover Your Lost Pages

…Using the “WPW Method”Revealed by a Facebook Internal Support Staff.

This new method will get you back to your disabled Facebook page in the shortest time you thought possible.

Could be 24 hours.

Could be more.

As long as you didn’t intentionally violate Facebook policy.

In fact, this is the lowkey secret top internet marketers use to recover their business pages and stay “untouched” under the radar of Facebook madness.

Before (You can see the pages were restricted)

After (You can see the pages have been restored)

This new technique is the single reason why you’ll never see top advertisers lament on social media about Disabled Facebook Page”.

As you’ve seen above, they have a solution.

And that’s the exact secret solution you’re about to lay your hands on.

So you can finally stop crying about disabled Facebook pages.

So you can finally run your campaigns 247.

So your traffic stream never goes dry. Not even for a day.

In a minute, I’ll tell you all about this new secret technique.

But first.

I need to restate the obvious.

​If You’ve Been Running Ads For Long – You’ll Agree With Me, Facebook is Hands-down the Best Ads Platform!

With roughly 2.9 billion humans actively roaming around it…

Plus precise targeting options… 

Facebook is the most powerful platform to get high-quality eyeballs for whatever offer you’re promoting.

But with its recent “constant irregular bans” and unwarranted restrictions placed on innocent Facebook business pages…

You are nowhere near selling your products and making tons of cash. 

Which has become one of the deadliest things to any internet marketer.

Imagine this for a moment:

  • You find a WINNING product
  • You got your hands on good marketing
  • You create a New Ad
  • It was approved
  • Orders start trooping in
  • You’re going along your merry way, crushing your Facebook ads
  • You scaled up your ad spend.
  • Orders are multiplying
  • Then one day, you log into your Facebook ad account and get the red message of doom:

“Oh no”, you cried.

And then you begin to beat yourself.

Ruin your whole day.

Because all your WINNING campaigns will abruptly stop.


I’ve experienced this countless times too.

In fact, in recent months, almost every Facebook advertiser has been visited by this “horror”.

Do you know what this will do to your business?

  • Your ads will be frozen and your campaign will be put on hold until you either retrieve it or terminate it. 
  • That means: no sales will be driven by any of your ads. 
  • Your account will remain inactive.
  •  Worst part? Everyone who should have access to your business page will not be able to use the page forever.



Much more depressing too.

And this is the one thing about Facebook ads that marketers do not like – Facebook pages getting disabled easily.

It’s now becoming worse than the “Ads account ban”.

Now, if you’ve been running Ads for some time, you’ll realize the “Page Restriction thing” is on the high side this year.

Are You Curious Why Facebook Page Restriction is On The Rise Lately?

Here’s the insider secret:

You see.

Facebook recently launched its new Algo (algorithm) – An AI (artificial intelligence) to run the Facebook platform efficiently.

Considering it’s an AI – it needs some time to learn before it can be effective.

What that means in this case is…

The AI needs to create new patterns individually and in accordance with the criteria given by its owner.

So do you now understand that the irregular disabling of Facebook business pages many users have recently experienced is a result of these new criteria we know nothing about (for now)?


On the surface, Facebook claims everything the AI does sum up to something called Facebook’s Risk Score.

And what that means for advertisers…

is a way Facebook wants to keep the platform safe for you and the users (your prospective customers).

So you can get your Ads viewed by only people that’ll likely buy your products.

And also, users can see only ads that may interest them.

Now before I proceed.

It’s important I introduce myself.

My name is Jonathan

You’ve probably heard about me.

That’s me in an helicopter with my sweedish friend.

I’m a Digital Strategist and Online Business Consultant. 

A Chief Strategy Officer at Pathway Digital Media Solutions

Where we help businesses get more customers using the power of digital advertising with clients around the world, across various industries such as Health & Fitness, Ecommerce, Real Estate, B2B, B2C, NGOs, etc.

In 2019, I was nominated for the SME Africa 25 under 25 Awards.

I am a Facebook Certified digital marketer and my results speak for themselves.

Here’s What Our Students and Business Partners Are Saying…

What I’m about to reveal to you is insider information.

You see, I have been running ads on Facebook since 2017 and I’ve spent over $30,000 dollars on ads and made over $250,000. 

I can tell you a thing or 2 about advertising on Facebook.

This led me to create my flagship Facebook Ads Program to teach other businesses and personal brands how to run effective ads which has gone on to help many people. 


But more recently I was faced with the same stupid Page Policy issues.

So I decided to look for a way out. 

After hundreds of tests and my ad accounts getting banned several dozen times. 

I finally cracked the code! 

Not really.

I got an insider’s tip (from a Facebook staff, on one of our numerous calls) on how to make your appeal request accepted almost immediately.

Plus what this newly launched AI is programmed to look out for on Business pages.

I have also discovered some set of strategies that will put an end to your page ban worries.

And right now, I’ve wrapped it inside a short video program

Which I titled…

Facebook Page Restoration System

How to Effectively Avoid Facebook Page Restrictions and Recover Your Lost Pages Using the WPW Method Revealed by a Facebook Internal Support Staff.

Mode of Delivery

  • 1+ Hour Easy to Watch Step by Step Implementation Video (Straight to the Point)
  • 11 Page PDF Guide
  • Amazing Bonuses
  • Support.

Here’s a Wrap Of Everything You’ll See Inside The Program

Module 1: Understanding Why Your Page Was Disabled

Module 2: Sure-fire ways to Prevent Your Pages from Getting Disabled Going Forward

Module 3: Step by Step Action Points You Must Do To Recover Your Disabled Page

In addition, you will get the following bonuses


How To Revive A Dead Campaign And Turn It Into A Sales Pulling Machine

[$47 Value]

Almost every business owner out there experienced this – You launch a new campaign and in the first 2-3 days you get actual sales and profit.

But then it suddenly all turns to shit, and your campaign just tanks?

From getting sales and actual profit, you’re now losing money or in the best case scenario, only breaking even…

This video will show you how to revive it again by using a few sneaky techniques.


FB Appeal Script

[$27 Value]

Don’t know what to say when your ads account gets disabled? 

I will give you the appeal scripts that I use anytime Facebook comes for my account.

All you need to do is just copy and paste it. 

Works like black magic.


1 Simple Trick to Lower Your Ad Cost

[$47 Value]

Facebook Ad costs are increasingly getting expensive and more competitive.

In this bonus, I will show you a 3 step method to drastically reduce your ad cost and get more conversions.

Now there are 3 methods inside. 

But using just 1 alone can do the magic.

It’s these methods I’ve been using to get cpc for as low as $5 for even high ticket offers.


Ad Account Recovery Blueprint

[$97 Value]

Most people get stucked when Facebook block their account, and I understand how frustrating it can be especially when your campaign is performing well and Facebook just ban your account. 

So if your Facebook ad account has been disabled and you are unsure of what to do next…

Use this insider tip to get back your Ads account.

That is why I will handover to you my proven ad account recovery formula that has helped me to get back my account when it gets disabled


Support Group


Ask Questions, and Get help on your campaigns.

And Interact with dozens of amazing Facebook Ads experts who are happy to help you day by day.

Call it our little support group.

The FPRS Support Group is a private group where you can ask any questions you may have.

And get answers from either me or anyone of my students.

As you’ll see… 

It’s more than just a support group.

We’re really just like a small, happy family of Facebook Ads…

Where every member wants to see the other person win.

And I’m confident you’ll love it here.

Just like these regular Fb advertisers

Here’s What Our Students and Business Partners Are Saying…

“This is the BOMB!! We don’t worry about sales anymore. My business have grown massively beyond my expectations.” – George Simeon, Ivory Coast. 

“I have taken several Facebook trainings, but Jonathan’s is result oriented”. – Muyiwa


Jonathan has the content that both newbies and pro’s need to advertise their business using Facebook. I fully recommend.​


"I was Facing serious account challenges before getting the PFAS, but since getting it, my business has achieved exponential growth"

Kings Onyekanma.

"I've been privilege to work with Jonathan. I also got the PFAS and my conversions have increased massively. This is one of the best Facebook Ads program"

So How much Does It Cost?

I know you’re anxious now.

And you want to get the result-oriented program already.

Well, there’s a tiny investment you have to do.

See, considering how valuable the secrets in this video program is

I can host a physical master class for a very few people – confidently price it at least $99 and teach them these secrets.

Well, the top internet marketing experts who already have access to this jealously guarded insider secret will agree with me it’s worth more than that. 

…Considering the peace of mind, it brings while running winning campaigns.

But I won’t do that.

I won’t even price it half that amount.

Not even close.

And here’s why:

This video program isn’t going to make me millions.

But it is going to help freelancers and business owners worldwide.

And that’s important to me. 

Because I wouldn’t be where I am today without the support of the experts who forged the way.

More importantly – as the curtains of 2022 draws to a close, I want to be part of your success story.

So, all I’m asking is a very tiny investment of…

N4,999 ($12)

Yes! You get everything for  Just $12 Which is a few cents only

When divided by 30 days (1 month)

And that is the price for this invaluable Facebook page restoration program that will put a stop to your “Page disable” worries.

Once and for all.

Funny enough.

At that amount, it’s even less than the price of a small-sized pizza.


Considering this is an insider’s secret

I won’t promise you this page will be up for long.

You might come back tomorrow and never see this page again.

So all you have to do is to click the red button below.

It will take you to a form to fill and where you insert your debit card details to make a payment.

After payment, you’ll get access to the video program immediately.

And it doesn’t matter the time of the day you paid.

If you’re skeptical about this, then you need not worry.


You’re Covered By My No Hammer 30 Days Money Back Guarantee

You’re offering refunds on this? Yep! Most digital products out there are final sales. But that’s just not how I roll.

I’m so confident you’ll love Facebook Page Restoration System – so sure you’ll discover how to effectively avoid Facebook page restrictions and recover your lost pages– that I’ll refund your purchase if you’re not 100% satisfied.

If for any reason this video program doesn’t become your go-to Facebook Page bible, write to my team at support@jonathanayodele.com and we’ll refund your $9.

So What Are You Going to Do Now?

After speaking to a lot of entrepreneurs, I’ve come to understand you always have two options when faced with “great opportunities”.

So as it is right now, you have two options.

Before I tell you the two options in your head

I want to remind you…

The decision you make today determines the kind of life you live tomorrow.

And that brings us to.


Forget about everything I’ve said today and quit this page. 

Move on with your life. 

Now when you do this. 

You’ll go back to your old way of begging Facebook to restore your Facebook pages – which will 99% fall on deaf ears. 

That means every time you’re running a winning Ad, you’ll have a lot of “fear” and “anxiety”. 

In fact, you’ll be worshipping Facebook and hoping every single day to have your Facebook page run smoothly. 

At the end of the day, you’ll be frustrated because your winning campaigns would just be destroyed without your notice.

In all honesty, I’ve never seen a successful business run with this approach.

As a budding entrepreneur, what you want is predictability.

And massive control.

Else, your cash flow would be tempered.

This is why I recommend the second option.


Get “Facebook Page Restoration System” today. 

And use it to effectively avoid Facebook page restrictions and recover your lost pages.

I know this is exactly what you want.

It’s what you’ve always wished for.

And now, you can have it.

Let’s face it!

If you aren’t tired of Facebook madness, you wouldn’t read to this point.

The fact, that you’re still on this page simply means you want to be able to run Ads without getting your Facebook page disabled.

And the best part?

Since this invaluable program comes with a “100% Money Back Guarantee” if at any time it doesn’t work as claimed.

So not getting FPRS now doesn’t make any sense.

I know you’re smart.

And this is what smart entrepreneurs do.

Investing in programs that’ll give them peace of mind.

Programs that’ll help them scale their businesses effortlessly.

Programs that’ll aid in predictability.

And more control of their system.

The right thing to do right now is staring at you.

Click the button below to get your instant access.

All I ask is that you take action FAST.

Why? Because this is a strictly limited offer. 

Jonathan Ayodele 



PS. Ask yourself what’s the downside. 

There isn’t any.

You have zero risk!

Think about it:

Could we possibly offer this type of guarantee if our system doesn’t work?

Change starts right here from making a decision just like this one.


This is video program you can watch in 1+ hour or less. Easy to follow with action points to follow

Yes, The videos were recently recorded to reflect new changes and updates, besides I will keep updating it every time there is a new update to keep up with Facebook changes. 

You have unlimited access to the videos forever, your access does not expire. 

No! You are not paying any money again to get access to the member area.  You will be getting everything listed on this page for just the price listed only. Although there may be an upsell, but its totally optional

Yes, my flagship Profitable Facebook Ads System course is available and can be accessed HERE

Yes, we do. Please reach me at jo@jonathanayodele.com

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